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感謝(美國)改革宗翻譯社網站 http://rtf-usa.com 開放書籍免費下載,歡迎轉載,打印,傳閲。

1 悔改真義_(湯姆.華生)
Doctrine of Repentance by Thomas Watson

2 宗教情操真僞辨_(約拿單.愛德華滋)
The Experience That Counts by Jonathan Edwards


3 與神同行_(萊爾)
Walking with God by John C. Ryle

4 基督徒的珍寶_知足_(柏拉夫)
The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by Jeremiah Buroughs

5 豐盛的恩典_(約翰.本仁)
Grace Abounding by John Bunyan

6 靠主應許養育兒女_(周畢克)
Parenting by God’s Promises by Joel R. Beeke

7 基督徒生活手冊_(加爾文)
Golden Booklet of the True Christian Life by John Calvin